Thursday, September 27, 2012


We led a camp in Świętajno for young adults who are learning to teach children as assistants (ACE-assistants). This year, the camp had 26 young adults in attendance, many of which were involved in past camps. The camp theme was 'On the way to maturity'. Our target was leading youth to maturity in: 

-        The development of spiritual lives and building close, personal relationships with God.
-        Developing an attitude of being a servant of God, concentrated on children's needs.
-        Developing the ability to serve children and passing along God's love and truth.

At the end of the camp they prepared biblical lessons for children on their own. It was amazing to see what they could do. We are grateful to God for these young people. It is amazing to see how they illustrate the biblical model of a teacher and spiritual leader of children. Małgosia was a third time attendee of the camp (ACE-s). Two years ago, she was really interested in the boys that attended the camp. She was always trying to get their attention. When she sang in the worship group (Małgosia sings very beautifully), she was concentrated only on her appearance, and tried to be the center of attention. But at this recent camp, she realized that God has a plan for her life. The things that she has been given such as gifts, talents and good looks were a gift from God to serve others, not herself. We observed how God changed her life. This year she came ready to learn about Him and she became involved in workshop groups for assistants of Sunday school teachers. She was full of energy while creating the lessons for children.

This year she gave her testimony of conversion and preparation for baptism based on her faith and how God is preparing and using her for service among children. During worship, she was praying loudly, giving glory to only God. 

She also told a story about a seven year old boy, Tomek, whose non-believing parents had to go away for two days and were thankful to her for taking care of him. Małgosia prepared and led biblical lessons for Tomek. Tomek learned that God is with him, even if his parents are far away, and he doesn’t need to be afraid. Later, she told Tomek that Jesus Christ loves him and gave His life for him to be with Tomek for all eternity. Tomek invited Jesus into his heart and prayed loudly. When his parents returned, Tomek told them what happened and his parents forbid him to pray to Jesus. Tomek called Małgosia crying and she encouraged him to pray about his parents. She also promised that she would pray with him. At the end, she said, “Tomek, the Lord is God who sees and hears everything and He certainly will answer your prayer.” Two days later, Tomek called Małgosia again. He was happy and said, “HE ANSWERED”, screaming with joy. Tomek’s parents heard how their son prayed and were amazed so they told him that he can pray this way every day! Małgosia was crying when she was telling this story and said that God sends her to children with the Gospel despite of her young age and it was why she went to the workshops for teachers, to learn and prepare for this service.

Older members of the Church where Małgosia attends saw the change in her life and enthusiasm to work with children, so they decided to pay for her stay in the workshops. They also invited her to help teachers in Sunday school at their church. God is GREAT!

Written by: Ania Kuznik (EGM-Poland)

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