Thursday, July 25, 2013

Mikhail Lozovoi

“I could not stand the lessons in our Sunday School when I was a child”, shares Mikhail Lozovoi, “that is why after I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord, I became a children's worker. My goal is that kids in my class or club will find life in Jesus".

Even before we met with Mikhail in 2007, he was searching for biblical ways of teaching the truth to the future generations. Mikhail was invited to join the Board of Directors of EGM-Ukraine and later considered as one of candidates for the position of EGM-UA Director.

His enthusiasm of sharing the Biblical Model, evident love to children, deep knowledge of the Truth, readiness to pioneer the work of EGM in the country convinced the Board that he is the person for the job. Since 2008 EGM-UA grew to the team of 10 dedicated workers (6 of them represent EGM in different parts of Ukraine) and twice as many volunteers. The office in the city of Dnipropetrovsk process dozens of phone-calls, e-mails and walk-in visits daily, providing children workers with necessary resources.

The most requested by churches training seminar “Model teaching through creativity” is developed by Tatiana, who readily travels with Mikhail to teach it to children workers countrywide. While continuing to direct the work of Sunday school in Central Baptist church, Mikhail is now appointed to organize and supervise Christian camps for children in the Dnipropetrovsk area. This widens EGM's involvement in the preparation of camp workers so that they will relate to children and teach them according to the Model.

Recent seminars on Titus project for EGM staff and Board of Directors placed new a task before EGM-Ukraine – develop and implement strategy for in-country giving. Mikhail as the Director accepted the challenge and excels in inspiring the team and the Board to bring EGM-Ukraine on the next level of becoming truly national ministry. What inspires Mikhail in the process is that God wants to transform lives of millions of kids in Ukraine through His church in this country.

Eastern Europe Regional Director