Friday, March 23, 2012

Ensenada, Mexico update...from Krysten Norkaitis

No One Is Too Poor To Give...

This is one of the topics that Daniel Watts, Jan Kraushaar and Krysten Norkaitis are teaching to a group of church leaders in Ensenada, Mexico. These materials were created with the intention to help national leaders raise funds for their EGM ministry work. We had originally planned to teach these materials exclusively to the EGM leaders but several local pastors and leaders were invited….bringing our total to 25 participants!! The leaders are soaking in the Biblical truths that we are sharing and several of them have shared great ideas of how they plan to put them into practice.
We watched an amazing video today about a movement that was started in a poor village in India in 1910. It is called Handful of Rice. If you haven’t seen it, I want to encourage you to watch it. It is amazing and will give you a glimpse into the topics we are teaching. Here is the link:

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The real transformation that God offers...

I am sitting at the desk of our EGM-Romania Director praying for our field research team in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. The ministry in Romania is thriving and is celebrating nearly ten years of fruitful ministry. We are taking our first steps toward launching a new ministry in the DRC. In both places, we are working to see children transformed in Christ. Praying for the children of East Africa and serving alongside our team in Romania, I am reminded of the vast world of children and their varied needs. In Romania, there is an emerging middle class and along with the economic advances comes the hollow promise of true happiness through material wealth. In the DRC, our team is confronting the material plight and spiritual darkness that is so evident. In all of that, I am reminded of the real need shared by all children.

My colleague, Joe Cox stated it eloquently when commenting on the DRC "Their physical needs (though alarmingly acute) are not their greatest need." The Congolese have been broken by war, disease, poverty, corruption and violence. Enormous efforts from outsiders have been dedicated to meet the need for food, education and housing but most have not had any real long-term effect. Hopelessness has destroyed a spirit of initiative, even among Christians, and as a result, there abides a great spiritual need as the children are hungry to know the love of Christ and the life giving truth of God’s Word.

This is the greatest need; to introduce children to Jesus Christ and help them experience the forgiveness and new life that He has for them. Children here in Romania, in East Africa and at home in Southern California can experience the love, joy and hope that comes only through Jesus Christ. This is the real transformation that God offers and desires for boys and girls across the globe. I am praying that boys and girls can have all of their needs met in Christ Jesus! Thanks for joining in that prayer.