Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Thirty years ago, as a young children’s ministry leader, I felt the LORD touching my heart concerning India, the country with the largest population of boys and girls. Evangelism Resources (ER) invited EGM to travel to Delhi last month to meet with ER leaders regarding children’s ministry work. Evangelism Resources continues to encounter vast numbers of children in the midst of their church planting efforts and evangelism activities. One leader told me that when you enter into a village with a guitar, balloon or yo-yo, you can expect to have a crowd of children immediately gather around you. They are eager and willing participants and most open to the gospel.

Some interesting facts about India:

  •  There are over 800 million mobile phones in use.
  •  Uttar Pradesh, a state with over 205 million people, would be the 5th largest country in the world if it stood alone from India.
  •  In 1947, the year of Independence from England, India’s population was less than 400 million. In just 65 years, the population has tripled.
  • There are 18 languages with over 10 million native speakers.

India is a vast and glorious country with a complex and diverse society. In the midst of it all stands the church of God working to share the love of Jesus Christ and the message of salvation with children. Both Evangelism Resources and The Evangelical Fellowship of India, which is comprised of over 38,000 churches, has asked EGM to return to India in April 2015. We will be working with key children’s ministry leaders for an EGM training program and to explore ways that we might serve together to see children transformed in Christ through His church in India. We will keep you posted.

In His Steps,

Daniel Watts