Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Every Generation Ministries blog posts will now be published at http://egmworld.org/current-news/

Friday, May 23, 2014

Lives Impacted by Children's Ministry

Have you ever met someone with whom you felt such an immediate connection that you assumed you must have met before, or been childhood friends, or possibly been siblings separated at birth? (Okay, maybe not that last one.) When I met Lisset Silva in 2008, we had so much vision for ministry in common that we spent half the conversation finishing each other’s sentences. (“Yes!...That’s what I was going to say!”) Sometimes without even realizing it, I would begin a sentence in English, forgetting that native language is not one of the many things we have in common.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Partnering for the Kingdom

The Pilot Project is a first step of a large international initiative aiming to create and publish curriculum for children between the ages of 4 and 12 that is adapted for each country. These introductory books were initially designed for a specific age range and are then redesigned to fit other ages. They are opening the doors for an incredible curriculum project covering 9 years of the life of a child!

Intentionally named "The compass – only for explorers," the Hungarian Pilot Project was the result of the partnership between EGM International and ReMa, our local ministry. While the lessons are based on the Model Children's Worker methodology, they are only partly created by American or International writers. The Hungarian team has written a major part of them making sure that the final product reflects the local characteristics to ensure that they are culturally and regionally relevant.

We started the Pilot Project in Hungary three years ago with the involvement of seven Hungarian individuals (translators, writers, proofreaders, graphic designers, editors - three of which were volunteers.)

The Pilot Project was also a great opportunity for Hungarian Christians to become financially involved in the ministry. Part of the expenses were cover by in-country donations.

Our experience with the first Pilot Project manuals was encouraging. The vast interest proved that the Hungarian Sunday school teachers really love the curriculum finding it useful. Our plan is to spread the word so that everyone will know that this is just the beginning and we are moving forward with the Pilot Project 2.

A touching letter from a children's worker who teaches children with learning disabilities made our day. This person was amazed with the success she had using the Pilot Project manual. She explained that the children were really into the biblical stories and activities like never before. This is how we’ve learned, once again, that the biblical model of teaching is the best option for all children alike.

We received the following feedback from another teacher just after launching the Pilot Project 2: "Recently, I taught the story of Nicodemus from the Pilot Project 2 book. I hadn’t planned on making a call for a decision. Still, the Spirit led me this way. Four kids from my class made the decision for Christ that day! God bless you!"

The Pilot Project isn’t just a nice story. It’s an example of how effective you can be when you partner with God and with other people all over the world. The Pilot Project isn’t a finish line, but a first step for incredible, transformational life stories. Will you be part of that too?

Written by Marian Zaharia & Andrea Schauermann

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Ukranian Children's Ministry

News regarding the inner conflict in the country of Ukraine is big news today. American news services are not always faithful to report on important happenings internationally, so when one of these international events hits the airwaves, it’s usually something pretty big. The conflict in Ukraine is complex and we pray for our brothers and sisters there as the people of Ukraine move through this time of upheaval.

Every Generation Ministries – Ukraine (“Slujinna Pokolinnjam” in the local language) is NOT involved in the protest against the government, but the EGM team IS quite active protesting against ineffective and unbiblical children’s ministry principles which have been the norm for so many years in the churches of their country. This is also a complex conflict! But God has shown us His passion to see every child reached effectively can be expressed through the EGM team in Ukraine.

To affect the change they want to make in this enormous country, EGM workers have divided Ukraine into regions and there are regional leaders in many of these areas who provide training and individualized coaching for children’s workers in churches across the denominational landscape. Ukrainian children’s ministry is changing as teachers connect with the biblical model found in Deuteronomy 6. It’s a transformational ministry model based in relationship and marked by experiential learning, creative presentations of biblical truth, meaningful conversations connecting the Bible to real life and activities which result in lasting life response.

Following is an excerpt from one regional leader’s report:

"At the seminar we held at the Lvov Theological seminary, the students learned the methodology of doing lessons for the kids. They had an opportunity to practice every element of the Bible model. Students received the theoretical knowledge and also did some practical exercises. They learned to build their own lessons using the elements of the Model of the Children’s worker [found in Deuteronomy 6]. They practiced consecutive and logical teaching of the Bible truths; they learned to make discussion questions and activities for the practical usage of the Bible truths. In addition, they had a chance to see the lessons for the kids of different age groups, based on the model.
I thank God for His blessings and guidance in this program. The Lord inspired people and gave them the desire to gain professional knowledge to be effective children’s workers, leading kids to Christ! Praise the Lord!"

- Kachan Nataliya, North Region Coordinator

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Emmanuel Manishimwe

While navigating in the dark the windy roads of rural Uganda you would want a reliable driver. That is exactly how I became acquainted with Emmanuel. He was our recommended drive on our Every Generation Ministries, EGM, mission trip in early 2013. Being in the hands of a man whose name means “God with us” sets your mind at ease when facing the unknown. During the twenty plus hours together, Emmanuel shared his love for God and his desire to see people drawn to a deeper faith. As we shared our mission of training local children’s church workers how to teach children about Christ, it was apparent that Emmanuel wanted the same thing or his people in Uganda.
As a retired teacher I love being able to use my God given gifts to work with EGM. Through this organization I have been able to meet so many wonderful people who have the desire to carry the message of Jesus Christ to the ends of the world, like Emmanuel. Seeing young people wanting to change the world around them is so inspiring to me. It is our desire to see lives transformed by the story of redemption through Jesus Christ.
Just as Emmanuel successfully guided us along the roads of western Uganda, I know he is a capable leader in EGM’s expansion efforts in East and Central Africa.

Linda Beaver
EGM Supporter 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

EGM Curriculum for Middle East & North Africa

High expectations were set on what was called in the news the Arab Spring. Nations were hoping that the wind of change would bring freedom and democracy. Unfortunately, that was not the case; people were frustrated and hoped they could go back to where they were before the self-immolation of Mohammed Bouazizi in Tunisia in December 2010. Looking for the reason, some think that people were not yet prepared, did not have clear definition of democracy or did not have the right and just leaders. All the above reasons are valid. However, instead of waiting for ‘change’, people needed ‘transformation.’ Unless the Son transforms people, Spring will never arrive; “If the Son therefore make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” John 8:36. 

EGM curriculum for the Arabic speaking world, the MENA, is all about ‘transformation.’ Away from the world’s distractions, fifteen elite writers from Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt gathered in July 2013 to write lessons for pilot 1 in an inspiring place on Mount Lebanon overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. It was an intensive time introducing Every Generation Ministries' Model, learning and writing according to it. 

“I was given the chance to write in a more organized and effective way.” Thouraya wrote, one of the writers from Lebanon. Another writer, Maha from Jordan, expressed her feelings saying: “We are teaching the kids to live a different life, to have their life transformed; we are teaching them the truth through the EGM Model.” Our vision is to provide the Arabic speaking churches with a three-year locally written curriculum based on Deuteronomy chapter six. Pilot 1 & Pilot 2 will serve as a road map to starting the curriculum. Writers are excited, partners are ready and the winds of transformation will surely come to include every generation. 

Youeel Tarabay
Executive Director 
Fondation Le Grain De Ble, Lebanon