Monday, November 11, 2013

Mexico Ministry

We don’t always get to see the results of our ministry efforts.

In fact, many of our ministry efforts must be done in simple faith that God is doing what He wants to do in His own perfect timing, whether or not we get to SEE the results this side of Heaven. Children’s workers everywhere look at the child in their class and wonder, “What will God do with this little one?”

For Daniel Watts, EGM President and Founder, having Krysten Norkaitis on the EGM staff is one of those glimpses into the future life of a child in EGM’s ministry. While serving as a children’s pastor in Orange County, California (in his days before EGM was founded in 1993) Daniel met little blonde, energetic Krysten. Krysten was eager to learn, had a heart for God and was an enthusiastic participant in the church’s children’s ministry program.

When leaving the US to move his family to Poland, Daniel had to say goodbye to Krysten and the other children he’d passionately served in his years of church ministry. Isn’t it wonderful that God’s plan for a child isn’t dependent on only one person? God was busy in those years as Krysten was growing up. He was preparing her for ever increasing challenges and He was sending many godly mentors into her life to prepare her for those adventures.

In the brief time he had to teach and disciple Krysten, Daniel had no idea that she would one day be called of God to serve as an overseas missionary in Argentina. Daniel certainly never envisioned that the work he started in Poland (Every Generation Ministries) would grow into an international ministry and that little Krysten would one day be used of God strategically to develop EGM ministries throughout Latin America.

Krysten served for several years as EGM’s Latin America Regional Director beginning in 2006. Later, she accepted the challenge to be EGM’s North America Hispanic Ministries director, leading the charge as EGM has expanded its work into the enormous country of Mexico. While the work there is growing and thriving, the need is great. Our Mexican leaders tell us that 85,000 churches in Mexico need help with their children’s ministry. Every day the work is being done to grow into a few more churches.

Recently, God has used Krysten to spark a ministry vision for helping the ever-growing Spanish-speaking population in the churches of the USA. The needs of these churches are great and God has uniquely gifted Krysten to be a strong and capable advocate for them!

Is there a little “Krysten” near you today, how are you investing in them? God might want to use you to be a part in preparing them for something you never could have expected. Let Him use you and watch what He will do through the life of that little one!

Joe Cox
Vice President of International Ministries