Thursday, March 27, 2014

Ukranian Children's Ministry

News regarding the inner conflict in the country of Ukraine is big news today. American news services are not always faithful to report on important happenings internationally, so when one of these international events hits the airwaves, it’s usually something pretty big. The conflict in Ukraine is complex and we pray for our brothers and sisters there as the people of Ukraine move through this time of upheaval.

Every Generation Ministries – Ukraine (“Slujinna Pokolinnjam” in the local language) is NOT involved in the protest against the government, but the EGM team IS quite active protesting against ineffective and unbiblical children’s ministry principles which have been the norm for so many years in the churches of their country. This is also a complex conflict! But God has shown us His passion to see every child reached effectively can be expressed through the EGM team in Ukraine.

To affect the change they want to make in this enormous country, EGM workers have divided Ukraine into regions and there are regional leaders in many of these areas who provide training and individualized coaching for children’s workers in churches across the denominational landscape. Ukrainian children’s ministry is changing as teachers connect with the biblical model found in Deuteronomy 6. It’s a transformational ministry model based in relationship and marked by experiential learning, creative presentations of biblical truth, meaningful conversations connecting the Bible to real life and activities which result in lasting life response.

Following is an excerpt from one regional leader’s report:

"At the seminar we held at the Lvov Theological seminary, the students learned the methodology of doing lessons for the kids. They had an opportunity to practice every element of the Bible model. Students received the theoretical knowledge and also did some practical exercises. They learned to build their own lessons using the elements of the Model of the Children’s worker [found in Deuteronomy 6]. They practiced consecutive and logical teaching of the Bible truths; they learned to make discussion questions and activities for the practical usage of the Bible truths. In addition, they had a chance to see the lessons for the kids of different age groups, based on the model.
I thank God for His blessings and guidance in this program. The Lord inspired people and gave them the desire to gain professional knowledge to be effective children’s workers, leading kids to Christ! Praise the Lord!"

- Kachan Nataliya, North Region Coordinator