Sunday, March 21, 2010

Mission Accomplished!

Rick finished strong. He ran it just under his goal time. Now we are enjoying breakfast with him and his family.

Mile 22

Just saw Rick Fortier at mile 22. He was looking really great and is ahead of his hoped pace. His son Will us joining him for the last 4.2 miles.

The race has begun

The LA marathon has begun.  Still no info from our great runner.  We should have an update of where he is on the course soon!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Home safe and sound!

We are safe at home, Praise the Lord.  Our coworker, Krysten Norkaitis, is also back home here in Southern California. 

The EGM Chile office was successfully moved and after all our US moving experiences, it was amazing to see how it is done in Chile.  A couple of young men did most of the really heavy lifting but we were also able to make a significant contribution to the process.  Working alongside our Chilean teammates through this crisis has given us a new love and appreciation for each one.  There's too much to tell but our hearts are full. 

Our departure from the Santiago airport was fascinating.  They have come up with a very creative and relatively efficient way of taking care of thousands of passengers and are using only a small portion of the building to do it.  Check in was in large tents outdoors with giant fans (it was hot!) and we waited in chairs set up under carports where rental cars were normally parked.  There was lots of waiting in long lines (we arrived nearly 5 hours before our flight) but our flight was very close to being ontime.

As our airplane took off, we were looking forward to heading home but at the same time had the overwhelming sense that God had accomplished His purposes on the trip and we wouldn't have changed a thing.  Even the earthquake itself was a big spiritual blessing to us as we experienced the power of God in a new way and felt His loving arms around us. 

You, our praying family, have been a big way God has expressed His presence to us.  "Thank you" falls so far short of the feelings in our hearts. 

Joe and Julie

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Update from Krysten

I made it to CHILE!
I arrived this morning on one of the first International flights into Santiago after the devastating earthquake that struck early Saturday morning. My flight consisted of many Chileans who had been out of the country when the earthquake hit. Many people were desperate to get home as they had not seen their family members since the quake and did not know how damaged their houses were. Needless to say the mood was very somber and it was obvious that I had arrived in a country that was mourning.

The Santiago airport building is closed due to major damages. When we landed, the airport staff lined up our bags outside on the ground (see pictures). Once we found them, we had to pass through immigrations, which meant standing in line with our bags while dogs came through sniffing them. Then, we went through passport control where they reviewed our passports and entered the necessary information into their laptops, which were set up on tables outside of the main airport building. Finally, we got into busses that shuttled us to Santiago because the airport roads are closed. When I got off the bus in Santiago, the EGM-Chile director, Daniel Lagos was waiting for me. It was wonderful to see him and catch up on all that had transpired post earthquake.

The EGM-Chile office has a lot of structural damage so the ministry will have to move. At the moment, the ministry is meeting out of a room in the EGM-Chile Director’s church. I met up with the team this afternoon and they were all very excited to see me! I could tell that it meant a lot to them that I decided to come to Chile after the earthquake. I am so glad that I am here!!

I am staying with a dear family outside of Vina del Mar. We have electricity but we don’t have water and it looks like we might not have running water for days. I just took a “shower”. Even though water is a premium here, they heated up some of the water they had saved up so I could take a shower. They set me up with a bucket filled with warm water and a pitcher. They also bought me bottles of flavored sparkling water that I can drink and use to brush my teeth 
Smile I am overwhelmed by their generosity and care!

As I shared in my last post, the EGM-Chile team decided not to cancel the meetings and activities that are scheduled for this week. Our itinerary is below.

Please pray that Joe, Julie and I will be an encouragement to the Chilean team as we stand beside them during this difficult time. This catastrophe has caused many people to reflect on their lives and consider what is truly important. Please join me in praying that many would come to the realization that having a relationship with the Lord is the most important thing!

Mar. 3- AM-City Tour, PM- Meeting with EGM-Chile leaders
Mar. 4- EGM-Chile Board Meeting
Mar. 5- EGM-Chile Board Retreat
Mar. 6- All day meeting with church pastors & Conference for Sunday school teachers
Mar. 7- Two Church Services: Sunday school teacher observations & Joe preaches
Mar. 8- Work with EGM-Chile team, possible Sightseeing in Santiago, Travel Home
Mar. 9- Arrive in US

Monday, March 01, 2010

Pictures From Chile

Ministry in Chile continues (see previous post), yet all around there are reminders of the earthquake that has rocked this country.  The news now tells us that this quake was so strong that it actually tilted the earths axis.  Please continue to pray for this country, especially the church leaders who are responding to the hurts within their communities.

Damage in Vina Del Mar area

Damage part 2

Damage part 3

Lunch with church leaders after church on February 28th.

Pictures from Peru

Enjoy these Pictures from Peru!

EGM's Poster on the church bulletin board.

Pastor of Betania church - a model children's ministry leader! 

Kids at Betania church

Pastor of Betania Church participating in Children's Ministry!  This man understands that Children's ministry is an important part of God's plan for the church!

Update from Daniel Lagos - EGM Chile Director

The following was received in Spanish from our Director in Chile.  The ministry is continuing to move forward!

Dear brothers and sisters of EGM:

Due to the earthquake, the building, “El Escorial” where EGM operates is collapsed (this is a literal translation, the building is still standing but is structurally unsound) and it has been prohibited to circulate by any people. There is no power or water. Due to the above, starting tomorrow Tuesday March 2, the Ministry will provisionally function in the facilities of the Church of Assemblies of God of Valparaiso, located in the Blanco Street one block away from the city’s government office, this office space has been graciously been provided by Pastor Arturo Leal Vega. From there our sister Maria Teresa, our secretary, will be attending the ministry from 9 AM to 1 PM.

The teaching conference of Sunday school teachers has been postponed to Saturday 6 of March between 9 AM and 5:30 PM in the same place, Blanco.

Blessings to all. 

Pastor Lagos

Update from Krysten

We just heard from Krysten, she has a flight early tomorrow morning (March 2) into Santiago.  Please pray that she will be able to travel to Chile!  Here is an update we received from her earlier today her time...
Thank you very much for all of your care, concern and prayers!! I feel so loved by you and I am very thankful for your involvement in my life and in this work.

All of the EGM-Chile staff, board members and leaders are doing well. The epicenter of the earthquake was a considerable distance from Vina del Mar, where the EGM-Chile office is located. There is damage in this area but nothing compared to the images that are being shown from the cities that were closer to the earthquake’s epicenter.

The country as a whole is struggling. Public transportation (subway, buses etc.) has been shut down and most business (large and small) are closed. Communication has been difficult as telephone lines are overloaded making it nearly impossible for people to get in touch with each other. The areas most affected by the earthquake are without electricity and are suffering from shortages of food & water. Many bridges have collapsed forcing main roads and highways to close. The airport in Santiago is still closed.

Joe and Julie Cox are currently with the EGM-Chile team and the team decided NOT to cancel the many activities and meetings that are scheduled for this coming week. Everything will go on as planned including a board retreat, board meeting and children’s workers training. Yesterday, Joe preached in a church that was attended by many church members. The church was without electricity but the building was intact with the exception of a few fallen lights and a wall that collapsed in a Sunday school classroom.

I am still in Peru. I am so thankful to be with the Chapman family. They are wonderful hosts and it has been great to have an extended time with them! I am planning to travel to Santiago as soon as the airport reopens and I can get my flight rescheduled.

EGM-Chile has asked us for our continued prayer regarding the numerous children, families and churches affected by the quake. Hundreds have lost loves ones and many have lost their homes. Please join us in prayer.

Much Love, Krysten