Thursday, October 18, 2012

EGM-Peru Reaches the Andes Mountains

In 2009, when EGM-Peru was just beginning to take root, one message was clear: These Peruvian leaders were not in this for their own benefit, but for the whole country.  They told us about the millions of people who lived outside the capital city in areas where it was difficult at times to receive a shipment of fruit in the market, let alone adequate training and materials for children’s ministry. 

“All of the resources are here in Lima,” they said.  “We are going to change that.”

EGM-Peru is not a branch of a U.S. mission, rather a mission of their own to their country.  In each board meeting, we have discussed when, how and where to pass on EGM’s message to more rural places – places where children’s workers literally sit with only a bible and a pencil, praying for guidance in ministering to the boys and girls of their church.

In August, two EGM-Peru leaders (with my family as joyful witnesses) traveled the twenty-hour ride to Abancay, Peru.  There, 41 children’s workers received the complete 16-hour EGM training on the Model Children’s Worker.  They came from 8 different denominations and traveled as far as 4 hours by bus to attend.  Among those were 5 people who want to volunteer at EGM-Peru, as EGM representatives in the region so that the churches will deepen their understanding and implementation of what they have learned.  One woman eagerly volunteered to begin translating the training materials into her native language of Quechua so villages even more remote could benefit from EGM’s work in the Abancay region.

We celebrate with EGM-Peru as we can already see that the Model Children’s Worker principles are transforming the Children’s Ministry in Abancay and children as a result are being transformed in Christ!

-Heather Chapman

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

First Impressions

Alex Bruda made a great first impression on me, serving as my interpreter as I shared at an EGM-Romania children’s worker conference. Almost immediately after meeting him, I confided in a coworker, “He should be serving with Every Generation Ministries!” I’d had just a few conversations with him but already could see that his heart and vision were the same as ours: To see children transformed!  Subsequent meetings confirmed my initial reaction and I began to see all the gifts and abilities that could be of use in the ministry of EGM.  It wasn't long before we were talking seriously about EGM staff needs. 

Alex lives with his wife and two young boys in the Romanian capital city of Bucharest. They are the kind of super busy people who are known to be always ready for a new ministry challenge. With their vast ministry background, they are ready to help wherever, whether it is kid’s camp, a training seminar, a language lesson or some legal advice! They are very active in their own local church but also are eager to help other churches in their quest to do true biblical children’s ministry.

Today, Alex serves as EGM’s Central Europe Resource Team Director. In that role, he supports the EGM partnerships in the Central Region and God has used him greatly! When we added to the team in Central Europe, it made room for a new challenge of coordinating the field research work EGM is doing in the Middle East where we are exploring the possibilities of establishing a regional EGM ministry center. In addition to presenting children’s worker seminars in Jordan, Israel and Egypt, God has used Alex to establish an Arabic language children’s ministry resource website at where isolated children’s workers can get the help and support they need.

I’m very glad that my first impressions have become lasting ones!

-Joe Cox