Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Mexico Partnership

We are very excited about the gracious manner in which God is giving us the opportunity to move our ministries forward in Latin America. We have a received a gracious $60,000 challenge grant for our emerging ministries in Argentina, Mexico and Peru. Every gift designated for these ministries will be matched 1-1, up to $60,000. We are well over half way as of December 6, 2011. One of these three countries is particularly significant to Every Generation Ministries; Mexico.
Certain countries around the world stand out as keys to entire regions. In the Middle East, Egypt occupies that position. In Eastern Europe, Ukraine is a gateway to impacting the former Soviet Union. Looking to the Spanish speaking countries in Central and South America, one can argue that Mexico is the key to impacting all of Latin America. With the largest Spanish speaking population in the world, a growing economy, the world’s largest city, close ties to the United States and significant growth in the Evangelical Church, Mexico is clearly a strategic key to the Latin American world. While Mexico seems to be a key to Latin America, certainly children are the key to impacting Mexico.

Over the last several years, amidst the widely publicized narcotics related violence, Mexico has experienced a widespread spiritual awakening leading to significant growth in the Evangelical Church. While the U.S. media has focused on the raging drug wars in border towns such as Juarez City, little attention has been given to the spiritual awakening in Mexico. In the southern part of the country there has been exciting evangelical church growth particularly among the indigenous peoples. In Mexico City and the north, thousands of people have confessed Jesus Christ as their LORD and Savior. In an evolving world of mass media, internet communication, consumerism and the pressures of secular humanism, parents and families are looking for help in living a life of meaning and significance. As fear and frustration have gripped many in Mexico, people are searching for security, peace and hope. The cultural religiosity of traditional churches such as the Roman Catholic Church has left people searching. Most importantly, the Spirit of God seems to be stirring the hearts of people. Nowhere is this more evident than among children in Mexico.

In 2007, Every Generation Ministries met with church leaders from Mexico for the first time and we were invited to come and serve with them in ministry. We are now faced with the exciting opportunity to bring EGM’s unique children’s ministry model to Mexico. Nearly 30% of Mexico’s 107.5 million people are under the age of 14, and church leaders there are eagerly inviting us to partner with them to evangelize and disciple the children in their communities. We have established a growing network of contacts with pastors, children’s workers and teachers who fervently desire leadership development training and Bible teaching resources. Our friends in Mexico want EGM to partner with them and provide churches with innovative leadership development programs and creative, high-quality Bible teaching materials.
2012 will be a monumental year in our Mexico ministry! Thanks for praying, giving and joining us to see Mexican children transformed in Christ through His church!

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